A “Wow!” Update about The Methuselah Project

Dear friends,

Quite a few of you have finished reading The Methuselah Project and then declared, “This would make a great movie!” Thank you. Allow me also to thank the many who have practically demanded a sequel to find out what happens to Roger Greene and Katherine Mueller after The End.

The truth is, I’ve been working on a sequel. So what’s taking so long? I’ve also been working on a movie screenplay of the original Methuselah Project novel. However, I’d had very little experience with writing movie scripts. It’s a whole different art from penning novels, and it’s taken me quite a while to learn the in’s and out’s of the craft.

The Methuselah Project

Now, though, I’m excited to announce that this past autumn I submitted my screenplay to Movieguide’s annual Kairos Prize for beginning screenplay writers. As of last week, out of hundreds of submissions from 20+ countries, my script for The Methuselah Project made the final cut and is one of the 10 Finalists. On February 2 in Hollywood, one of us ten hopefuls will win the $15,000 prize. In addition, all of our scripts will be available for interested professionals in the film industry to review for consideration. I praise God for helping me to learn this new (to me) craft of writing, and for helping me to polish my project well enough to become a finalist. I’m sure the other submissions are excellent, and some of those writers have more experience with scripts than yours truly. Yet, whether I win or lose the Kairos, I feel God’s hand of blessing and sincerely thank Him for this level of achievement.

Along with some unfortunate realities of life that have claimed large chunks of this writer’s time, studying screenplay writing has definitely slowed momentum on the sequel to my third novel. Now, though, I plan to proceed “full steam ahead” with that sequel. Thanks for your patience, and thank you all for sharing my excitement as a Kairos Prize finalist. The odds are still 9 to 1 against me. However, 9 to 1 is lightyears better than the 100s to 1 odds that existed when I submitted my project. On February 2, I’ll be in Hollywood and holding my breath. We’ll see what happens!

Here’s a link for more information about the Kairos Prize and my competition:

Kairos Prize Finalists Have Been Announced!