Does The Methuselah Project Rip-off Captain America? - Rick C. Barry
When I wrote the initial draft of The Methuselah Project in 2009, several friends commented, “That reminds me of the Mel Gibson movie, Forever Young.” Now that my story has finally been published, a number of reviewers surprised me by declaring it reminds them of Captain America. When I noticed a book review site called “The Minister’s Wife” had posted a review comparing the two heroes, I requested permission to repost it here. Lois (evidently the minister’s wife) agreed, even though it was her husband who actually penned the review. (I’ve never met or communicated with either of them before.) Here is his objective assessment: A Fantastic Novel ~ The Methuselah Project “Before I opened this book, I turned it over and glanced at the description of its contents. Roger Greene, an American soldier presumed dead in a plane crash during World War II, actually survives and, as a result of a secret scientific project designed to maximize human potential, returns many years later to our modern world. His amazing abilities leave him a man out of his own time: he must cope with technology and culture unfamiliar to him, while facing enemies with roots in Naziism. “So, before Read More ...
Rick Barry