Time for a New Start? - Rick C. Barry
Okay, I confess: Several years ago, I created a new author website with a blog. Somehow, though, I never seriously committed to writing that blog on a weekly basis. Oh, when I did add a new post, I appreciated the comments people left. But life got busy. I became a caregiver for aging parents. The blog slipped down the list of priorities. You know how it goes. This week I’m committing to a new start. Each Wednesday (assuming I’m alive and not in a coma), I will add a new post to my blog. It might be an update on my writing, or an observation on life, an inspirational thought, or something else. But whatever the topic, I invite you to share it with me and then to jot your own insights in the comments. By making this commitment and exercising self-discipline, not only should I sharpen my skills in capturing thoughts in words, but you and I can share friendly connections and encourage one another, too. Yet, even as I make this fresh commitment, I’m already wondering about you friends. Chances are, I’m not the only person in the world who let a one-time idea slide. If so, maybe Read More ...
Rick Barry